What You Can Anticipate During Onboarding with Think Intelligent Media

What You Can Anticipate During Onboarding with Think Intelligent Media

Why Think Intelligent Media is Best for Programmatic Advertising?

This text is an advertisement for programmatic advertising services provided by Think Intelligent Media. The text describes the step-by-step process of how a client can start a campaign with Think Intelligent Media. First, the client meets with the Think Intelligent Media team to discuss their goals and marketing history. Then, Think Intelligent Media creates a customized strategy based on the client’s business, goals, and budget.


The strategy includes programmatic services and tactics to achieve the best results for the business. The team tailors the strategy based on the client’s budget and the services that the client needs. The next step is to discuss targeting and goals. Think Intelligent Media audits the client’s website analytics and uses its 1st-party data to create a baseline targeting strategy. The client and Think Intelligent Media team discuss targeting ideas and options for the campaign.


Once the information is gathered, Think Intelligent Media builds the campaigns out into their central system, which includes adding additional targeting and setting up conversions to fire on the client’s site. Think Intelligent Media creates the ads for the client if the client does not have their own creatives or design team. After launching, the client has access to their Client Dashboard, where they can see stats flow into the dashboard as well as tagged traffic in their Google Analytics.


The client’s Account Executive and Account Manager will be in touch to ensure they understand the data and progress. At the end of each month, the client receives a report on the results of their campaign.

Photo By: ITStaffing

ALSO READ: 5 Ways to Improve Your Campaign for Better Results

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