Frequently Asked Questions

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Think Intelligent Media is a technology company specializing in digital advertising, offering a comprehensive ad platform designed for proven results. Our platform allows businesses to reach high-value prospects at an unbeatable cost, with attribution and reporting to back up our claims. Whether you have a product, service, or message to introduce to the world, our targeted approach ensures your brand's message is delivered to consumers who have shown a high potential to engage. We also serve as a programmatic partner for agencies, media outlets, news companies, and other organizations seeking to provide exceptional services to their clients.
With our cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology, Think Intelligent Media drives programmatic digital marketing campaigns that deliver results at every stage of the customer's shopping journey. Our advanced attribution capabilities track the entire path from initial click to final purchase, providing granular data that informs ongoing campaign optimization. By continually refining our targeting based on this data, we create campaigns that improve over time, delivering better and better results for our clients.
At Think Intelligent Media, we cater to any company - be it a brand, B2B or eCommerce - that has an irresistible product, service or message and is looking to connect with a specific target audience or demographic in the most efficient way possible. Our forte lies in bringing your brand or message in front of customers who are more likely to convert, thereby driving higher engagement and sales. We strongly recommend complementing any type of advertising, especially programmatic, with a Search/PPC campaign. This approach ensures that your audience is continually exposed to your brand and message, and if they don't click on the banner or video ad, they will search for your brand when they are ready. And, we make sure that you are there at the right time to catch their attention.
Within just a few days of launching a campaign with us, our clients and users will witness immediate online traffic, new user engagement, and leading conversions, among other key performance indicators (KPI's). Generally, campaigns demonstrate positive impacts on metrics like ROAS, ROI, Cost-Per-Click, and Cost-Per-Conversion within the first 30 days. However, quantifiable results and the full potential of our advertising efforts may take 90 days or more, depending on the vertical and sales funnel set up. We strongly urge our clients to stay committed to their campaigns for the long haul, ideally the first three months, to achieve proven and sustainable results. The longer the commitment, the more the brand will grow and the stronger your economy will be. It is essential to note that other factors, such as website structure, sales funnel, and other marketing efforts, can play a crucial role in overall success.
We do not require our clients to abide by a contract and they are free to terminate their partnership with us at any time. However, it is important to note that terminating the partnership prematurely can adversely impact the initial investment and strategy plan. Therefore, we advise our clients to remain committed until they observe positive results.
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