

Transparent and flexible pricing options for your unique needs.

Elevate the effectiveness of your advertising investment by distinguishing our ad procurement approach from that of our closest rivals.

Think Intelligent Media Ad Buying VS Competitors

Think Intelligent Media
Ad Server

Competitor A:
DSP or Ad Server

Competitor B:
DSP or Trade Desk

Sourcing Inventory or Ad Placement

Exchanges & Trade Desks


Trade Desk to Exchanges

Ad Networks

All Major 1st Party Networks

Limited 1st Party Networks

Limited 1st Party Networks

Audience Targeting/
Behavioral Databases

Access to ALL Behavioral Databases

Access to 1 or 2 Behavioral Databases

Access to 1 or 2 Behavioral Databases


Triple Layer Validation

Single Validation

Single Validation


Ai & Human Oversight Ad Optimization




Full Impression Level Attribution On All Mediums

Partial Attribution

Partial Attribution

Total Cost to You


Missing Features

  • Long term contracts
  • Late night anxiety
  • Exorbitant costs

Missing Features

  • Unlimited behavioral databases at no cost
  • Multiple layers of validation
  • Automated optimization algorithms with human oversight
  • Full attribution
  • Direct deals with 1st Party Networks DSPs, SSPs and tradedesks
  • Full support customer service
  • All-inclusive pricing

Missing Features

  • Unlimited behavioral databases at no cost
  • Multiple layers of validation
  • Automated optimization algorithms with human oversight
  • Full attribution
  • Direct deals with 1st Party Networks DSPs, SSPs and tradedesks
  • Full support customer service
  • All-inclusive pricing
Write Us

Ready to boost your conversion rates